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Showing posts with label number series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label number series. Show all posts



 Collection of number series exercizes

Number series questions are an integral part of almost all numerical reasoning tests. Many companies deal with processing and analysing numerical data in daily work.

Employers and organizations are interested in evaluating candidates' skills in solving because they will need them in a in a realistic workplace context.

 111. What number comes next?



Find the missing number in the following set:

3, 10, 24, x, 108, 220 

Scroll down to see the answer






Correct answer  is 52


3, 10, 24, x, 108, 220 

We can solve it in 2 ways.

Α way


 Calculate the differences between 

those that are next to each other.






The number series of the differences is:

7,14, x, 56, 112

Notice that every term is multiple by 2

7X2=14        56X2=114

The number series is GP with common ratio 2

So the number series of differences is:

7, 14, 28, 56,  112


Therefore the missing number is:



B way

 The rule is as follows:

 add 2 to the previous number then multiply times 2.






Correct answer is:


You can go to the best preparation detailed explanations tips and tricks to learn step by step answer every question in the banking exams

Get it at a low cost and pass each exam "Number Series"

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Number series are central to all bank exams

 Example questions

with answers and detailed explanations.


Select the number that can replace the question mark (?)

 in the following series.

3, 3, 9, 45,  315,  ?

 A) 945    B) 1050   C) 2835  D) 2205


Corect answer is C







We observe that the numbers by which they are multiplied are
It is an arithmetic progression with difference  2 

The next term is 7+2=9

So the missing number in the given series is:

315  x 9=2835

Correct answer is C


 You can go to the best preparation

 detailed explanations tips and tricks 

to learn step by step 

answer every question in the banking exams


 Offer   19.90

Number series Test3-perfect squares-cubes


number series -perfect squares-cubes-two stage types

 Different types of number series Εxamples with detailed explanations methodologies tips and tricks.

SquaresWhen numbers are a series of perfect squares.

 For example: 81, 100, 121, 144, 169... 

81=9^2  100=10^2   121=11^2    144=12^2   169=13^2 

The numbers of series are perfect squares of  9, 10, 11, 12,....

 Cubes: When the numbers are a series of perfect cubes. 

For example: 512, 729, 1000...

512=8^3    729=9^3    1000=10^3

 The numbers of series are perfect cubes of  8, 9, 10,...




Example 1 

 9, 25, 49, 81, ? 

9=3² 25=5² 49=7² 81=9² 

Theese are the perfect squares of number series

 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,... 

The next term is  11² = 121

Example 2

 In the sequence one of the term is wrong 

3600, 8100, 14200, 22500

  Select the option that has his number. 

A. 22.500  B. 14200  C.8100  D.3600

3600= 60^2



14200  it is not a square  of any nunber

S0 correct answer is B

*The correct number is 14400 

All the terms of series are perfect squares of series 

60, 90, 120, 150

Example 3

 In the sequence one of the term is wrong

 8000, 27000, 54000, 125000 

Select the option that has his number. 

A. 27.000 B. 54000 C 8000 D 125000.

 The first digit in each term is a cube of some number .




 54  its't the cube of any number 

 So correct answer is B.


Number series questions are intimidating for candidates and have varying levels of difficulty
Students find number sequencing questions difficult, but in reality they are not, it is a matter of proper preparation.
Practice with selective questions that cover the full range of number series problems in competitive exams. 

Questions number series squares-cubes-two stage type series

Practice Download  € 2.90



Are you ready to prepare properly for the exams?
The best guide to practice number series questions.
Number Series Ebook

*Different types of number series

*Detailed examples in each type.

*Step by step increase your skills to solve series of numbers.

*150 questions with answers and detailed explanations

*10 practice tests with answers

Get it now and successfully pass the exams.

Ebook "number series"


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Number series test 2-Alternating series


One type of number series that often appears in competitive exams is the alternating series.


  What is Alternating number series

 This type of series may consists of two series combined into a single series. The alternating terms of this series may form an independent series in itself

 The alternating series are quite difficult. You need to make many examples to get acquainted and get into their spirit and be able to deal with them in the exams. Many exercises-practice will give you the confidence to succeed in the competitive exams.



 Question1: Look carefully at the following series.What pair comes next?

 46, 43, 40, 38, 35, 32, 30,...?,,,,,?

This is an alternating subtraction series in which 3 is subtracted twice, then 2 is subtracted once, then 3 is subtracted twice, and so on. So the next terms in the following series will be 27, 24

 Question2: Look carefully at the following series.What pair comes next?

 18, 8, 18, 10, 18, 12, 18, ...


 In this alternating repetition series, the random number 18 is interpolated every other number into an otherwise simple addition series that increases by 2, beginning with the number 8.


18 is interpolated every other number

Answer is 14, 18 


  Question3: Look carefully at the following series.What pair comes next?


 This is an alternating multiplication and subtracting series: First, multiply by 2 and then subtract 8. 

9X2=18   18-8=10   10X2=20  20-8=12     12X2=24

So  24-8=16     16x2=32

 Answer is 16, 32


Practice with selective questions 

 Alternating number series test

Detailed solutions

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By Panos Kalliantasis

Arithmetic progression-type of number series

 An arithmetic progression or arithmetic sequence 

is a sequence in which the difference between

 any two consecutive terms is constant.

 The difference between the consecutive terms

 is known as the common difference 

and is denoted by d.


If the first term is a  A(rithmetc) P(rogression)  is

a, a+d, a+2d, a+3d, a+4d


3,5,7,9,11 is an AP

3, 3+2, 3+2+2, 3+2+2+2

Common difference is  d=2


If the initial term of an arithmetic progression is

and the common difference of successive members is ,

 then the -th term of the sequence () is given by:

Sequence   3,7, 11, 15, 19, 23,  ...,...,....,...  

is an AP  first term  a1=3  with d=4
Sixth term 23=3+(6-1).4

What is the seventh term?


 Different types of the number series

Different types of the number series


 Each series of numbers has a logical
relation / pattern to which the
successive terms are associated
based on this logical mathematical
relation we find the next term of the
sequence of numbers.

Many patterns are used in number
series and depending on the pattern
we have many different types of
number series
 To answer the question you must
first find the pattern / patterns.
Below we present the different
types of number series
  • Simple series
  •  Arithmetic Progression AP
  • Geometric Progression  GP
  • Combination AP and GP
  • Two stage type series
  • Perfect square series
  • Perfect cube series
  • Alternate series
  • Mixed series
 Download  3,90 €
 Number series basic concept
Number series types for competitive exams
Detailed examples for each type of number series



The best questions "Number Series"

Band-SSC Exams

Prepare to face any question "Number Series"

in the banking exams

Practice for SBI  Clerk-IBPS- SSC


By Panos kalliantasis

See 10 detailed examples

You can go to the best preparation detailed explanations tips and tricks to learn step by step answer every question in the banking exams


 Number series questions are central 

to all bank exams.

Practice with selective questions

 that cover the full range of number series

 problems in Bank exams.


1.Notice, if the order of number given is ascending

 ( smaller to larger number) or 

descending ( larger to smaller number).

 if the numbers increase or decrease a little

 then we have the addition or subtraction

  If the numbers increase or decrease a lot 

then we have multiplication or division.

 2.Calculate the differences between 

those that are next to each other.


3. Find the pattern that applies

 Find the pattern that applies

 to get from one number to 

the next number in the sequence.


 Questions examples


 Example Question#1

  Find the missing number in the following set:

3, 10, 24, x, 108, 220 

We can solve it in 2 ways.

Α way


 Calculate the differences between 

those that are next to each other.






The number series of the differences is:

7,14, x, 56, 112

Notice that every term is multiple by 2

7X2=14        56X2=114

The number series is GP with common ratio 2

So the number series of differences is:

7, 14, 28, 56,  112


Therefore the missing number is:



B way

 The rule is as follows:

 add 2 to the previous number then multiply times 2.






Correct answer is:


 You can go to the best preparation detailed explanations tips and tricks to learn step by step answer every question in the banking exams

Get it at a low cost and pass each exam "Number Series"

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 Example Question#2


Find the missing number in the following set:

 5 ,17 ,29, x, 53, 65

 Calculate the differences between 

those that are next to each other.




 To each number we add 12 and find the next number.




Correct answer:


 You can go to the best preparation detailed explanations tips and tricks to learn step by step answer every question in the banking exams

Get it at a low cost and pass each exam "Number Series"

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 Example Question#3


 Find the missing number in the following set:

8, 16, x, 64, 128, 256

 Calculate the differences between 

those that are next to each other.




 We observe that to find the next number

 in the series we multiply by 2.




Therefore the missing number  is:


Answer is:


 You can go to the best preparation detailed explanations tips and tricks to learn step by step answer every question in the banking exams

Get it at a low cost and pass each exam "Number Series"

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 Example Question#4

 Select the number that can replace the question mark (?)

 in the following series.

3, 3, 9, 45,  315,  ?

 A) 945    B) 1050   C) 2835  D) 2205





We observe that the numbers by which they are multiplied are
It is an arithmetic progression with difference  2 

The next term is 7+2=9

So the missing number in the given series is:

315  x 9=2835

Correct answer is C

 You can go to the best preparation detailed explanations tips and tricks to learn step by step answer every question in the banking exams

Get it at a low cost and pass each exam "Number Series"

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 Example Question#5

 Study the given pattern carefully and select the number

 that can replace the question mark (?) in it.

(7, 21, 3)  (8,72, 9)   (12,84, ?)

A)10   B) 9   C) 7  D)6

First   7x3=21

Second  8x9=72

Third 12 x ?=84  

Therefore  12x7=84

Correct is C=7

 You can go to the best preparation detailed explanations tips and tricks to learn step by step answer every question in the banking exams

Get it at a low cost and pass each exam "Number Series"

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 Example Question#6

 8, 4, 4, 8,  32,  ?

A) 8   B) 64  C)256  D) 16  E) 128

The pattern is:





The numbers with which we multiply are a Geometric progression

First term is 1/2 and common ratio is 2

1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8

Therefore the next term is 32X8=256

Write answer is C  256

 You can go to the best preparation detailed explanations tips and tricks to learn step by step answer every question in the banking exams

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Example Question#7

 What will come in place of question mark (?)

4, 5, 12, 39, 160, ?

(A) 324              (B) 434

(C) 685              (D) 715

(E) 805

4*1+1 = 5

 5*2+2 = 12 

12*3+3 = 39

 39*4+4 = 160 

160*5+5 = 805

Answer is option E

You can go to the best preparation detailed explanations tips and tricks to learn step by step answer every question in the banking exams

Get it at a low cost and pass each exam "Number Series"

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Example Question#8

 What will come in place of question mark (?)

8, 7, 12, 44, ?


The pattern is:





Answer is 344

You can go to the best preparation detailed explanations tips and tricks to learn step by step answer every question in the banking exams

Get it at a low cost and pass each exam "Number Series"

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Example Question#9

 What will come in place of question mark (?)

2, 9, 28,? , 126, 217

The pattern is:

1^3 +1=2






Correct answer is 65

You can go to the best preparation detailed explanations tips and tricks to learn step by step answer every question in the banking exams

Get it at a low cost and pass each exam "Number Series"

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Example Question#10

 What will come in place of question mark (?)

8, 9, 24, 125, ?

The pattern is:





The missing number is:


How to solve "Number Series"

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