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Showing posts with label practice missing number. Show all posts
Showing posts with label practice missing number. Show all posts



 Collection of number series exercizes

Number series questions are an integral part of almost all numerical reasoning tests. Many companies deal with processing and analysing numerical data in daily work.

Employers and organizations are interested in evaluating candidates' skills in solving because they will need them in a in a realistic workplace context.

 111. What number comes next?

Practice question-number-series-exams-page11

 Students find number sequencing questions difficult, 

but in reality they are not, it is a matter of proper preparation.

 Practice with selective questions that cover the full range 

of number series problems in competitive exams.


 101. Find the missing number


 Practice with selective questions that cover the full range of number series problems in competitive exams 

This section is dedicated not only to the candidates but also to the people who love math puzzles and are happy to solve number problems and questions in number series


91. Find  the missing number




 Collection "Find the missing number"

Questions number series with answers

By Panos Kalliantasis

71. Find the missing number

Compotive reasoning -missing number-page 7

Collection "Find the missing number"

These numbers relate to each other with some maths formula or mathematical operations or logical.

 One has to find this hidden relationship among these numbers and then solve it for the missing numbers.


61. Find the missing number


Compotive -reasoning-find-missing-number-page 6


 These numbers relate to each other with some maths formula or mathematical operations or logical.

 One has to find this hidden relationship among these numbers and then solve it for the missing numbers.


51. Find the missing number




 These numbers relate to each other with some maths formula or mathematical operations or logical.

 One has to find this hidden relationship among these numbers and then solve it for the missing numbers.


 41. Find the missing number

Practice question on missing number-page1

Find the missing number questions are an important part of all competitive exams.

Many find the questions difficult, but it is a matter of practice.

Here you will find a variety of find the missing number questions with answers and explanations.

1. Find the missing number 

Find the missing number 67-reasoning

 What is the pattern?

Arithmetic reasoning questions and answers

By Panos Kalliantasis



 Try it your self

Scroll down to see the answer.





The best exam preparation "find the missing number"

Download it now only € 4,90 








Answer option D

(A+B) *(C-D)=(59-41)*(7+3)=180

Arithmetic reasoning -question 7

 What number replaces the question mark?


 These questions are not a simple application of math formula, but you have to find the pattern with which the numbers are connected.




These questions are not a simple application of math formula,

 but you have to find the pattern with which the numbers are connected.

  Try it on your own or by tutoring with your friends 




 Scroll down to see the answer. 




Answer is 54


 For practice in a variety of patterns 

  Get the e-book now

 Download it now only € 4,90