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Find the missing number in the following set:

3, 10, 24, x, 108, 220 

Scroll down to see the answer






Correct answer  is 52


3, 10, 24, x, 108, 220 

We can solve it in 2 ways.

Α way


 Calculate the differences between 

those that are next to each other.






The number series of the differences is:

7,14, x, 56, 112

Notice that every term is multiple by 2

7X2=14        56X2=114

The number series is GP with common ratio 2

So the number series of differences is:

7, 14, 28, 56,  112


Therefore the missing number is:



B way

 The rule is as follows:

 add 2 to the previous number then multiply times 2.






Correct answer is:


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