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Number Series-Test One-10 Questions -Answers-Explanations


Number series questions are an integral part of almost all numerical reasoning tests. Many companies deal with processing and analysing numerical data in daily work.


 Students find number sequencing questions difficult, but in reality they are not, it is a matter of proper preparation. 

 Practice with selective questions that cover the full range of number series problems in competitive exams This section is dedicated not only to the candidates but also to the people who love math puzzles and are happy to solve number problems and questions in number series


Each series of numbers has a logical relation / pattern to which the successive terms are associated Based on this logical mathematical relation we find the next term of the sequence of numbers  

 Many patterns are used in number series and depending on the pattern we have many different types of number series To answer the question you must first find the pattern / patterns.

 Test 1 

Simple level preliminary 

 Look at this series

 Which number has to replace the question mark?

  1.  48, 53, 58, ? , 68, 73
  2.  -8, -12, -16, -20, - 24, ? 
  3.  7, 14, 28, 56, 112, ?
  4.  32, 8, 2, 0,5, ?
  5.  729, 243, ? 27, 9
  6.  -15, ?, -5, 0, +5
  7.  110, 121, ? 166, 210, 265
  8.  68, 77, 95, 122, ?
  9.  27, 30, 39, 66, ?
  10.  158, 153, 143, 123, ?


 ***Take a pencil and paper and try to answer the questions in the first test.

You can see the answers and the eplanations,but first try to solve your self.

Number series Test one Answers and explanations

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Thanks  Panos Kalliantasis









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