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Logical puzzle the chicken,the corn the fox and the farmer

“A farmer needs to cross the river with his chicken, a sack of corn and a fox. 

 An old logical puzzle that will make it difficult for you

This logic problem will test logical  and reasoning skills.


“A farmer needs to cross the river with his chicken, a sack of corn and a fox.(ΣΑΝ ΤΟΝ ΛΥΚΟ-ΠΡΟΒΑΤΟ)

His boat unfortunately only fits himself and one other thing.

The fox and chicken are hungry, so if he leaves the fox with the chicken, the chicken will get eaten, whilst if he leaves the chicken with the corn, the corn will get eaten.

How will the man get safely across with all 3?”




The man takes the chicken across and then goes back for the fox.
He can’t leave the fox and chicken together so when he drops the fox off, he picks up the chicken. He then goes back for the corn.
He can’t leave the corn and the chicken together so when he picks up the corn, he drops off the chicken.
When the corn is safely with the fox on the right side of the river, he goes to collect the chicken.

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